The Handoff - Issue #12

Quick and dirty nursing news that’s worth sharing

Hello fellow Nurse, this is your weekly handoff. Some quick and dirty nursing news that’s worth sharing. Enjoy!

Something for the guys

When talking about ways to combat nursing shortages I hadn't really thought of combating decreasing numbers by encouraging more men to join the field. Make sense. Everyone knows this is a female dominated field. I had I think 5 guys in my nursing class out of 75? However, the U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics predicted that male nurses made up 13.3% of RNs. That's up from 8% in 2008. This article then goes on to share a few stories of students from the Arizona University and their personal reasons for wanting to join the field. Why do you think men don't always go for nursing? Is it because for years this field has been stereotyped as a women's job? Why do you think the number of men is increasing? I think there's a lot of benefit in having all genders in the field. My personal favorite example is when I have a very pervy patient insist that I help him shower. I said: "sure- I am really busy but let me go grab my other nurse." Let's just say the patient could suddenly bathe himself when my male coworker walked in. 

Something to talk about next shift

When a pregnant nurse attempts to remove Briana M. Veurink's shoes in the emergency department she gets a kick to her stomach. While Veurink argued at trial that she did not know she was pregnant, apparently she was told that the nurse was and Veurink proceeded to kick again. Thus, she was found guilty of two counts of aggravated battery, a class three felony. To me, it seems that it isn't often that nurses receive justice for the assaults they constantly endure. Seeing some justice is a huge step for all nurses. Veurink was in the emergency department after being dropped off by her husband who was concerned she was having a mental breakdown and suicidal. She claims that this contributed to the assault and she wasn't in her right mind. However, I hear that as an excuse a lot- patients being able to kick and knock around nurses because they were confused.  Where do you draw the line though? 

Something to make us nurses proud

The safest wedding to go to is a wedding filled with nurses. This one, was filled specifically with ER nurses. When the bride Micaela Johnson's uncle dropped on the dance floor with a heart attack dresses and heals didn't stop this team of bridesmaids. From dance team to code team they flew into action. Finding he didn't have a pulse they started CPR immediately. They even managed to get an AED from the venue. The bride's dad, a retired police officer, was able to help clear the crowd. Talk about the exact right place and right time to have a team like this on standby. The uncle survived and was transferred to the hospital thanks to their efforts. Nothing scream bad ass nurse like this story... and certainly no guest will ever forget that wedding. 

If you liked this newsletter please share with your friends. Which bullet is your favorite? What do you want more or less of? Other suggestions? Email me and let me know.